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Steal bl game taiyou shirtless

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  • Shipping the Homunculi with each other in the manga/Brotherhood falls under this as they come from the same "father" and consider each other siblings.
  • Instead of abandoning ship, a lot of fans only saw this as making the pairing more interesting. Edward and Envy are a popular pair due to the Foe Yay between them however, near the tail end of the series, there's a twist: Envy is Ed's half-brother.
  • A case of Surprise Incest happened in the 2003 anime.
  • A common saying amongst fans of the relationship is that "they broke so many taboos already, what's one more?"
  • Brothers Edward and Alphonse are one of the most popular shipping targets in the fandom, with the 2003 anime infamous for showing how close the brothers really are.
  • Meanwhile, Rin has a whole Drama CD episode dedicated to the idea that he can't stand the idea of his sister dating anybody, its name being a parody of Oreimo's, to boot. It doesn't help that Gou does admire his muscles in one scene similarly to how she gawks at other boys.
  • The three most popular pairings for Gou from Free! appear to be her and Makoto, her and Haru, and her with her brother Rin.
  • It's not all that hard to see why, because Agon is (without a doubt) the most important person in Unsui's life, while Agon himself is a sociopathic playboy and memetic molester whose feelings for his brother are left ambiguous.
  • Agon and Unsui of Eyeshield 21 is THE incest pairing of the fandom.
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    There's not a lot of it but Vegeta/Bra exists too. Also, there are the pairings of "Son-cest" (various incestuous pairings within Goku's family) and Vegeta/Trunks or Vegeta/Future Trunks.

  • From Dragon Ball Z, there are some people who ship opposite-sex twins Androids 17 and 18 together.
  • are among some of the more popular ones (aside from the Ho Yay that goes on within the fandom) for fans to focus their Shipping Goggles on.

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    Out of all the pairings between the characters, the ones between Tai/Kari and Matt/T.K.

  • You'd be surprised at just how much of this there is in the Digimon Adventure fandom.
  • Komui's rather intense sister complex does nothing to disprove this. Lelouch/Nunnally, Lelouch/Euphemia (which is actually canon on Lelouch's side), and Cornelia/Euphemia are three of the most prominent examples the rest can be found on that page.

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  • Code Geass: There's enough of subtext in the series that it has its own Incest Subtext page, naturally leading to this.
  • In the manga itself, trying to avoid this issue is one of the reasons Daikichi and Yukari never got together, though the anime and film adaptations opt for Maybe Ever After. If Daikichi and Yukari ended up together then Kouki and Rin would end up step-siblings. Many fans like the idea of six-year olds Kouki and Rin pairing up eventually, but most of these shippers also ship their guardians/parents Daikichi/Yukari.
  • Bunny Drop has a step-sibling example.
  • While very much a minority pairing as it contradicts canon 'ships, there's also some fandom for Ryuuken/Masaki as well. Ryuuken and Masaki had a failed Arranged Marriage in canon, so clearly the cousin thing isn't an insurmountable barrier. The revelations have not much-dampened enthusiasm for the ship. Later chapters of the manga revealed that Uryuu's father and Ichigo's mother were first cousins, making the boys second cousins, so this is also a case of Surprise Incest.
  • Ichigo/ Uryuu is a relatively common Bleach Yaoi pairing.
  • Angel Sanctuary could not be more blatant about Setsuna and Sara, but some see this between Rociel and Alexiel as well.
  • The manga it was based on, on the other hand, was vague about it at best. hack//Legend of the Twilight was notorious for this to the point that it's what a lot of non-fans of the series in general tend to remember about it.

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